Penn Jersey Cat Club, Secaucus, NJ, March 22-24, 1996

Paul, Higgins, Lahey, Ray,Chappettta, Crockett, Gregg, Rhea, McInchak, 
Yow, Smith, Forte, Mays(Grillo, overflow)

                                         LP RH PL BR EC JC LP MG AR KM FY PS MG RF KM FM LG

KITTENS                                  SP AB AB SP SP SP AB AB AB SP AB AB SP AB AB AB
Minusdetails Down Pat,CY,SC              6L  2  1 3L    2L  5  3  3 3L  1  2 4L  4  4  2   
Whozz Who/Bonsiru,PS,SE                  1L  4  2 9L    4L  1  1    1L  3  3 1L  1  2  1   
Ker Briant Louxor/Amenophis,OS,ES        1S  5       1S 2S  2  6  1 1S     7 3S  2  1  3   
Whozz the Boss, PS,SE                    3L     3 5L    1L  4  2    6L     5 2L  3  5  4   
Azala's Rune/Khamsin,AB,NE                   3  5    2S 3S     4 10        1 2S 10     8   
Britches Kennebago/MtKittery,MC,MA       2L       1L        3     5 4L  4    3L  7         
Chrischat Carbon Copy,ES,SE              3S          3S    10  9    5S  6  4 4S  9     6   
Coonyham Mojave,MC,MP                    4L                 7  7    5L     6 7L    10  7   
Excalibur Fantasia/Foliesbergere,BS,ES               4S 4S     5  6 3S       1S     8      
Walnuthollow's Aussie Boomerang,OC,MA        6  7    5S           8 2S              6      
Cosmicoons Shogun/Williamina,MC,AS              4 6L          10  7 7L       6L            
Love Sumalee GG,KT,SE                    4S     9       5S  9           5                  
Kavekats Bond James Bond,MC,GL          10L  1              6                    7         
Love Sumalee Thai Princess, KT,SE                                   4S     9 6S     9 10   
C.P. Rag's Dreamboat Annie,RD,MA             7 1010L           8             5L            
Abyroad's Leadbelly,AB,MA                2S                 8           8        6         
Azala's Capriccio,EM,NE                  5S             1S        9 7S                     
Duman's Bebe Babek,TA,MA                10L       2L   10L         10L           8         
MtKittery Silver Ridge,MC,MA                                        2L              3  9   
Coup De Coeur KaomaMC,ES                        8 4L    7L          9L                     
C.P. Rags' Roxanne,RD,MA                                          2     7                  
Cooncreole Riverboat Gambler, MC,EN                               4                 5      
Sartoris Arlette,AS,SE                                              6S 10 10               
Bemisu's Eurydice/Classical Cats,SX,NE       8                          2                  
Arkatz Longhaired Rednek,MC,SE           7L             3L                   9L            
Cooncreole MIssissippi Queen,MC,EN          10                             8               
Pyramid's Malik Al Gazi,EM,MA                9                               5S            
Asher Mikimoto/Broadsway, JB,NE                                         9    7S            
Coonpulsive R2D2/Amkat,MC,NE             8L             5L                                 
Catalyst Seal With a Kiss,MC,GL                   8L    6L                                 
Shaynacats Code Red,PS,NE                9L             8L                                 
Ferrersford Columbus Chris,BS,NE                6                                          
Mainlysilver Kirk,MC,NE                           7L                        10L            
Hemingway/Jaywhiskers,SO,MA                             9L                   8L            
Maturskats Sabrina,NF,NE                                            8L                     
Kitten Count-Allbreed,Longhair           43 63 63 43 20 42 69 61 69 46 69 68 38 64 67 64   
   Shorthair                             20             19          22       22            

CHAMPIONSHIP CATS                                                                         
Minusdetails Rhinestone Cowboy,MX,SC     2S  1    1S 4S     2  1    4S  3  1 1S  4  4  2  3
Murteza Rambo Dio,AB,NW                  1S  8  1 3S 5S     1  3    1S  6  4 5S     1  1  2
Duman's Renoir,TA,MA                     2L  3    1L    8L  3  6    2L  2  6 1L  7  6  3   
Rama's Valor Victorian/Amenophis,OS,ES   8S  4    2S 8S     5  2    2S     3 2S  3  2  5  4
Chrischat This Ones for You,ES,MA        3S     4 5S 3S     7  4    7S  4  2 4S  1  9  9   
Hobbikats Mureyev/Tassam,OS,NW           5S     8 6S 2S     6  5    3S  9    3S  6  3    10
Willowplace Hawthorne/Winfield,MC,SE     1L  7  7           4  9        7  9 2L  5         
Kerrbob Steel Magnolia/Mtncats,PS,SE     3L 10  2 3L    3L              5  8 7L  9         
Dynastitai Indra/Singatown,SG,ES         4S  2       6S             5S           2  7     5
Chayat's Rurik,RB,SE                      6          7S    10  8    9S       6S        8  9
Minusdetails This End Up,CY,MA           6L     5 2L    7L          5L     5               
Naturskats Benjamin,NF,NE                4L       4L                         3L        7  1
Apophis NOrdstrom/Whiskerhill,SX,NE               9S 1S        7             7S           7
Coonalley's Pippy Longstocking,MC,MA              9L    2L          9L                 6  8
Claddacoon's Rafferty,MC,NE                  6  3                   6L                     
Mowglis Wild River,BG,NE                          4S                    1 10               
Catolina April Showers, AS,SE            7S       7S                    8       10         
Bleujeanne's Lalique/Steppenbleu,CX,MA       9  6 8S 9S                                    
Mainette New MooseRevue,MC,MA                           6L          1L              5      
Naturskats Daniel,NF,NE                                 5L          4L                    6
Ciara Rose Parade,OS,MP                                             6S           8  8      
Colorfield Camden,MC,SC                                 1L                             4   
Vallon Brownie/Salemcoon,MC,NE           9L                         3L             10      
Phantom Silver Cloud,KT,MA               9S    10           9                              
Lynn-Lee Daffodil Kid/Shesgems,SO,NE              7L    9L          7L                     
Caseycats Ana Yasmeen/Shaynacats,PS,NE           10L    4L                  10L            
Regalaby's Imagine/Khamsin,AB,NE             5                               9S            
Coonyham Wrangler,MC,MP                  7L                        10L       9L            
C.P. Rags' Hot Stuff,RD,MA                                             10    6L            
Dollchateau Ken/Merrypawpins,RD,MP                                  8L       4L            
Lowmaine Lynard Skynnard,MC,MA                    8L                                  10   
Willowplace Montana Jo/Mainette,MC,MA   10L     9                                          
Whisperwood Kodakprint/Himmyhugs,HI,NE                 10L    10                           
Toytown Memphis Belle/Blueyonder,TO,SE                                     7               
Sartoris Arkady,AS,SE                                       8                              
Mainette Calamity Jane,MC,MA                      5L                                       
M'Coon's Argentino/Frolicoon,MC,NE                                           5L            
Ryanplace Boy Toy/Kenkoon,MC,SC          5L                                                
Williamina Reina,MC,AS                            6L                                       
Mi Amigo Jose Cuervo,MC,SE               8L                                                
Memry Ras Vadas/Kabobkats,PS,MA                                              8L            
Forestrun Molicing/Uniquely, BG,NE                                  8S                     
Classical Cats Rodolfo,TO,NE                                                 8S            
Balart Isobar/Coup De Foudre,OS,NE      10S                                                
Abyroad's Shenandoah Brandy,AB,NE                10S                                       
Advent Hill Princess Daisy,BS,NE                    10S                                    
Nenuphar Etolie Filante,AB,NE                                      10S                     
Foretrun Hocus Pocus/Uniquely,BG,NE                                         10S            
Champ Cat Count-Allbreed,Longhair        58 93 84 60 33 59111113    72112107 62109100104108
   Shorthair                             32       32                42       40            

Vereinschaft Carpe Diem,PS,MA                4  5 2L 2L     7  1  4     6  6 1L  1     2   
Windlfower's Bonnie/Anfran,BU,MA                3 2S 2S 1S  1  6           1 2S  8     3 1S
Duman Leonardo Da Vinci,TA,NE                6  7 3L 4L 5L     3           8 2L  6  1 10 5L
Willowplace Kodiak/Mountaincats,MC,SE        1  1    5L     4 10  7     1  2 4L  3         
Azala's Khalif,AB,NE                         2       3S     3  4           7     2  3  1 2S
Fireside Dots and Dashes,AL,MA               8  6 4L    1L              5  3 5L  4  5  5   
Excalibur Charles Dickens,BS,NE                 4 4S 4S        5  9     9    3S     7  9 4S
MtKittery Machias,MC,MA                      7    1L 1L     6  7        3    3L        4   
Felitan Stargazer,OS,NE                      9              8  9  1     8       10     8 5S
Ferasa's Cyrano Jones, AB,NE                         1S 2S     2  6     2    1S            
Ginfree Red Hot Chilli Pepper,AS,SE                         5           4  4 4S  7     7   
Austinova Tsarovich,RB,GP                      10 3S    4S        3     7                  
Willowplace Abner,MC,GL                      5             10                       6    3L
Asher Marelle/Khamsin,AB,NE                     2    5S                    9       10      
Walnuthollow's Indiana Jones,OC,MA              9 5S              8                 4      
Belmainshacoon's Harry B.MC,NE                          2L        2                 2      
Shonstar Taipei,SI,NE                                       9  8             5S     9      
Burmystic's Little Miss Muffet,BU,MA                        2              5     9         
Talltails Odd Man Out/Quimby,MC,NW                                               5     6 4L
Broadsway Acadia,MC,NE                       3       3L                                    
Willowplace Amos,MC,GL                          8                                        1L
Klazzeekats Darth Vader,OS,NE                           5S        5                        
Bogeykats Little Cougar,AB,SE                     1S             10                        
Menuphar Equinox/DesertMoon,SO,MA           10                                      8      
Asher's Koiboitoi/Broadsway,JB,NE                       3S             10                  
Jamala's Adriane,AB,NE                                                    10             3S
Willowplace Moose on the Loose,MC,MA                                                     2L
Belmainshacoon's Bubba B.MC,NE                          3L                                 
Arkats Boarderline,MC,SE                                4L                                 
Donnahugh Bradley/Arundel,MC,MA                   5L                                       
Alter Count-Allbreed,Longhair               32 33 20 20 20 35 35 35    35 33 17 33 34 34 17
   Shorthair                                      13 13 13                   16          16

HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS                                                                     
Tea Key, MA                              2S  1  1    3S 1S  3  2  3 3S     3 2S  3  1  2  1
Aloha                                    3S  3  4    2S 2S  2  1  2 1S     4 1S  1  2  1  3
Misty Black Pearl,SE                     1S  2  3    4S 3S  1  4  1 2S     1 3S  2  4  4  2
Booger, MA                               1L  4  2    1L 1L  4  3  4 1L     2 1L  4  3  3  4
HHPet Kitten Count-Allbreed,Longhair      1  4  4     1  1  4  4  4  1     4  1  4  4  4  4
    Shorthair                             3           3  3           3        3            

HOUSEHOLD PETS                                                                            
Super Fresh,MA                           2L  1  6 1L 2L     6  4    4L     4 1L  5     2  4
J.Jack Flash,MA                          4S  3  2    3S 5S  7     1 4S     5        8  6  6
Booger, SC                               1L    10 4L 1L     2  5  4 1L     8           1  2
Peaches Creampuff,NE                     4L  7    5L 4L        3  9 2L       3L     2  3  3
Sweet Vanna Brown,SE                     1S  4       4S     1    10 2S     2    10  7    10
Rosalita,MA                              5L       3L 5L       10  8 3L       2L  8  4  7  9
Mr. Wawa,MA                                  6  1    1S        1  6          1S     3  4   
Spunkmeister,MA                              1  7       3S        2                 1  5  7
Taliesin,SE                              2S     5           3  8           1 5S  2         
Wynken,MA                                3S  8          2S  8  6    6S       3S            
Clooney,MA                                           2S 1S     9  3 1S       6S            
Aliage,MA                                6S  5             10       5S              9     1
Jarvis,SC                                3L          3L     9       5L           3 10      
Anomaly,SC                                   9 4S                 7 3S     3               
Digit,MA                                                       2           6 2S        8  8
Button,MA                                5S             4S  5              9     1         
Maxine,NE                                       9    5S 6S                       7  6      
Hortense,NE                                       2L                       7 5L       10   
Passionate,SC                                        6S                                9  5
Dom-Jot,NE                                                  4     5                        
Sta-Puf Marshmellow Cat,NE                                     7                 6         
Teddy, NE                                   10                                   4         
Jake, NE                                        8                                9         
Yoshi,NE                                                                  10 4S            
Millie,NE                                       3                                          
Split Infinit-Eye Deaf Leppard,NE                                                   5      
Cappuccino,MA                                                                4L            
HHPet Count-Allbreed,Longhair             7                                                
     Shorthair                           21 27 28  7  7 21 25 27 26  6    29  6 29 28 29 27

NEW BREED AND COLOUR                                21             21       21            
Abyroad's Star Tripper,AB,NE             1S  1  1    1S 1S  1  1  1 1S     1 1S  1  1  1  1
NBC Count-Allbreed,Shorthair              1  1  1     1  1  1  1  1  1     1  1  1  1  1  1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Country Cats Potomac Area Cat Enthusiasts