Feline Alliance of Tidewater, Virginia Beach, VA, October 5-6, 1996 - PM Show

Paul, Yow, Higgins, Lahey, Gregg, Lahey, Gregg, Webb, Smith P., Hicks

KITTENS                              LP FY RH PL MG PL MG CW PS BH
Dumans Rembrandt                 TA  1L 1L 1L  3  1 1L 1L 2L  1  3
CP Rags Free Bird                RD     3L 2L  4  3 4L 2L 1L     4
Purrsnicketys Flashback          PS        3L  2    2L 4L 4L  2  2
Blueyonders Red Baron            AS  1S 1S 2S       2S 3S 3S  3   
Pyramid Amin Gazi Ali Baba       EM  2S 2S 1S  1  2               
Sartoris Alanna                  AS                 1S 1S 1S  4  5
Coosacats Dixie Dawn             BG  3S 5S 4S       4S 4S 2S  5   
Seafarers Flamin Rocket Man      HI  5L 2L     5    3L    5L      
Aluren's All the Marbles         BG  4S 3S 5S       3S 2S 5S      
Pending #1                       MC        4L             3L     1
Pairodocs Napoleon               TV     4L        5    5L         
Medoz Rising Glory               BG  5S 4S 3S       5S 5S         
Pairodocs Piano Man              TV  4L    5L       5L            
SaraJen Manhattan                MC  3L           4               
SaraJen Newcastle Brown          MC  2L                3L         
SaraJen Carling Black Label      MC     5L                        
Medoz Humphrey Bogart            BG                       4S      
        Allbreed/Longhair Count      12 10 12 18 18  9 11  9 15 15
                Shorthair Count       6  6  6        6  6  6      

CATS                                 LP FY RH PL MG PL MG CW PS BH
Willowplace Jubilation of Winfie MC  1L 1L 1L     1 2L 1L 2L  3  1
Chrischats This Ones For You     ES  1S 1S 1S  1  2 1S 1S 2S  1   
CP Rags Rocket Man               RD        2L  3  3 1L 2L        2
Berryhille Remington of Purrsnic HI  2L    5L     4 3L 3L 4L     4
Seraphims King Solomon's Gold Mi PS  3L 3L 3L       4L 5L 1L  5   
Ginfree Sunflower                AS  2S 2S 2S  4    2S 3S        5
Tuckaway The Renegade            BG  3S    3S  5    4S 4S 3S     3
Pairodocs Bertrand Russell       TV  5L 4L 4L       5L 4L         
Mtncats Boy Named Sue of Yofranl HB                 5S 2S 1S  2   
Chatandolls Zoe Jedda of Soulmat RD  4L           5       3L      
Ginfree Brittany                 AS  4S 3S 5S          5S 4S      
Dollchateau Romeo of Soulmates   RD     2L     2                  
Dumans Be Be Babek               TA                       5L  4   
Amore Mr. Hobbs                  BG  5S 5S          3S            
Aluren Rippling Sands            BG     4S 4S             5S      
Lowmaine Patton                  MC     5L                        
        Allbreed/Longhair Count      10 10  9 16 16 10 10 10 17 16
                Shorthair Count       6  6  6        7  7  6      

ALTERS                               LP FY RH PL MG PL MG CW PS BH
Theodorables Musical Thunder     PS  1L 1L 1L  1  1 2L 1L 3L  1  1
Ginleigh Lady Lovelace from Lori AS  1S 1S 2S     5 1S 4S 2S  2  5
Jedidiahs James                  NF  5L 3L 2L  2  4 1L 3L 1L      
CP Rags A Million To One         RD  3L 5L 3L  3  2 3L 2L 4L      
Innisfree Pyramid Cindaron Cince EM  5S 3S 3S     3 4S 1S 4S  5   
Yofranlins Super Susannah of Mtn HB        1S       3S 3S 1S  3  3
Chayat Noodles Romanof of Kataym RB  3S 2S 5S       5S 2S 3S     4
Navkatz Winterhawk               MC     2L 5L  5    4L    5L      
Innisfree Pyramid Ippolito Ipaln EM  4S 5S 4S  4    2S    5S      
Countrylove Snowberry of Seraphi PS  2L 4L 4L       5L 5L         
Caseycats Tedd E Bear            PS  4L                4L 2L  4   
Bassettis Omamori                JB  2S 4S             5S         
Navkatz Angel Fire               MC                              2
        Allbreed/Longhair Count       8  8  8 14 14  8  8  8 13 13
                Shorthair Count       5  6  6        5  6  5      

HOUSEHOLD PETS                       LP FY RH PL MG PL MG CW PS BH
Tea Key                          SH  3S    3S     2    3S 1S  4  4
It Does A Body Good              LH  1L 3L 2L  2    1L 2L 1L     2
Misty Black Pearl                SH  2S 1S 2S                 1  3
Spunkmeister                     SH        1S       5S 2S 2S     1
Three Myles Eye                  SH  1S 2S 4S  4    3S            
Oliver of Catsanhata             SH  4S 5S 5S  1    1S            
Zoe                              LH  2L 1L 1L       3L 1L 2L  5   
Mr. WaWa                         SH            5  4 2S 1S         
Angus McGregor                   SH            3    4S    5S  3   
Jellybean the Easter Miracle     SH  5S 3S                4S     5
Just Jody                        LH     4L 4L     5 4L 3L 3L      
Super Fresh                      LH               1           2   
Capuccino                        LH  3L 2L 3L       2L 4L 4L      
Ginger                           SH     4S             5S 3S      
Clooney                          SH               3    4S         
        Allbreed/Longhair Count       3  4  4 15 15  4  4  4 15 14
                Shorthair Count      10 10 10       10 10 10      

Bonnie Blue                      SH  1S 2S 1S  4    4S 3S 1S  5  1
Pitipat                          LH  2L 2L 2L  2  2 2L 2L 2L  3  2
Precious Princes                 SH     5S 3S     1 3S 5S 2S  1  4
Courdoroy                        SH  4S 4S 5S  5       4S 4S  2   
Caffe                            SH  2S 1S     1    1S 2S 3S      
Harmony                          LH  1L 1L 1L     4 1L 1L 1L     3
Marshall Black                   SH                 2S 1S 5S  4  5
Mr. Liam Payne                   SH  5S 3S 2S  3                  
Lace                             SH  3S    4S     5 5S            
Tony                             SH               3               
        Allbreed/Longhair Count       2  2  2  9  9  2  2  2  8  7
                Shorthair Count       7  7  7        6  6  6      

NEW BREED OR COLOR                   LP FY RH PL MG
Rags2riches Bonny Blue of McLowery   1L 1L 1L  1  1
        Allbreed/Longhair Count       1  1  1  1  1
                Shorthair Count                    
This report was prepared by Honey Gilmore-Goodall (104313.605@compuserve.com).
Feline Allianc of Tidewater Keestone Katz