TICA Mid Atlantic Region
BEST CAT Best Longhair Cat Best Maine Coon IW SGC MTNest Nevermore Judy & David Bernbaum |
2nd BEST CAT Best Shorthair Cat Best Chartreux IW SGC Longview Alexanders Ragtime Band Richard Ketz & Mary M Super |
3rd BEST CAT 2nd Best Longhair Cat IW SGC MTNest Rive Gauche Judy & David Bernbaum |
4th BEST CAT 2nd Best Shorthair Cat Best Bengal IW SGC PSBengals Strike Force of Bengaland Hugh & Peggy Price |
5th BEST CAT 3rd Best Shorthair Cat Best Oriental Shorthair IW SGC Felichaun Derek Jeter of Glor-ee Susan and Gloria Adler |
6th BEST CAT 4th Best Shorthair Cat RW SGC Bengaland Pegs Kaleidoscope Hugh & Peggy Price |
7th BEST CAT 3rd Best Longhair Cat Best Ragdoll RW SGC Bluegrasrags Southern Pleasure Connie Harvey |
8th BEST CAT 4th Best Longhair Cat RW SGC MTNest Midnight Cowboy David & Judy Bernbaum |
9th BEST CAT 5th Best Longhair Cat Best Persian RW SGC Berryhille Bohemian Rhapsody Yvonne and Shawn McKelvey |
10th BEST CAT 6th Best Longhair Cat RW SGC SaraJen Bellini Teri Matzkin |
11th BEST CAT 5th Best Shorthair Cat RW SGC Bengaland Odyssey Stargate Barry Schlottman & Hugh Price |
12th BEST CAT 6th Best Shorthair Cat RW SGC Snopride Half A Chance Sheila A Cox |
13th BEST CAT 7th Best Shorthair Cat RW QGC Jungletrax Modern Marvel Anthony Hutcherson |
14th BEST CAT 7th Best Longhair Cat RW SGC Rockinblues November Rain Carolyn and George Font |
15th BEST CAT 8th Best Shorthair Cat Best Singapura RW SGC Arietta Countess Natasha Evelyn Grado-Wolynies |
16th BEST CAT 9th Best Shorthair Cat Best Abyssinian RW SGC Arietta Count Nicolai Evelyn Grado-Wolynies |
17th BEST CAT 8th Best Longhair Cat Best Norwegian Forest Cat RW QGC Norja Beatrix Potter Jane Hayward |
18th BEST CAT 10th Best Shorthair Cat RW QGC Glor-ee Thomas Gloria Adler & Susan Adler |
19th BEST CAT 11th Best Shorhair Cat Best Snowshoe RW QGC Snowcats Dream Catcher Claudia Dotter |
20th BEST CAT 12th Best Shorthair Cat Best Sphynx RW QGC Destynys Naughty Nadia Carole Bohanan-Uhler |
9th Best Longhair Cat RW QGC Pidepipurr Sabastian of Vunderland Melissa and Janet Terusiak |
10th Best Longhair Cat RW QGC Terracoon Halli Phyllis Kennedy |
11th Best Longhair Cat RW QGC MTNest Eliza Judy & David Bernbaum |
12th Best Longhair Cat Best Birman RW QGC Buttonball Zuni of Desert Jewel Linda Gorsuch, D & M Doblin |
13th Best Longhair Cat RW TGC Razldazldolls Top Gun of Dollheaven Patricia Doss |
14th Bet Longhair Cat RW DGC SaraJen Milagro Silver Teri Matzkin |
15th Best Longhair Cat RW QGC Mc Kimmey Firestorm Lesley F Bistline |
16th Best Longhair Cat RW Pidepipurr Hans of Bearysweet Marie Mitchell |
17th Best Longhair Cat RW Velvetjewels 007 of Mainesuspect S and S Campbell, V Garvin |
18th Best Longhair Cat Best Turkish Van RW TGC Desert Jewel Yantar Linda Gorsuch & John Jackson |
19th Best Longhair Cat RW Crystalfjord Ben Franklin Jack & Vicki Edwards |
20th Best Longhair Cat RW Angelspunrags PT Cruizer of LuvEZ Michelle Bumbarger |
13th Best Shorthair Cat RW TGC Felichaun Nickelodeon Lori & Jim Tollison |
14th Best Shorthair Cat RW Ciara Avant Garde of Bleujeanne Jeanne Johnson & Geoff Roseman |
15th Best Shorthair Cat RW PSBengals Taliesin of Junglemist Valerie Refner |
16th Best Shorthair Cat RW SGC Bejuled World According To Schmoo Marie Vodicka |
17th Best Shorthair Cat RW QGC Medoz Ms Molly Donna Syverson |
18th Best Shorthair Cat Best Burmese RW DGC Vindouro Heidi of Toriland Sharon Hopkins & Barbara Farmer |
19th Best Shorthair Cat Best Egyptian Mau RW QGC Arietta Zahra Evelyn Grado-Wolynies |
20th Best Shorthair Cat RW TGC Aradia Witches Blue Brew Vicki White |
Best Bombay RW QGC Vindouro Purrcee of Toriland Sharon L Hopkins |
Best British Shorthair HMs Elena de La Vega Jen Frey |
Best Exotic Shorthair GC McJax Bentley of Berryhille Mary Lynn Krause & Shana Scanlin |
Best Korat QGC Mistyblue Jazmine Shirley & Kimberly Graham |
Best Manx Titania Quentin Mc Tavish Marilyn Dale |
Best Ocicat CH AbbysAngels Lucky 4 You Laurie L Howard |
Best Peterbald Balduchi Kiana Tatiana Smushkova |
Best Pixiebob CH Springcreek Leia of Potomac Stacey Foster |
Best Pixiebob Longhair Potomac Lalapalooza Lizzy Stacey Foster |
Best Siamese IW SGC Glor-ee Genghis Khan Gloria Adler & Susan Adler |
Best Siberian CH Whites Reggie of Preciouspaws Shanna Makridis |
Best Somali Touchgold Pocono Honeymoon Sandra DeGirolamo |