Central Jersey Cat Fanciers, Parsippany, NJ, January 6-8, 2012

            Friday                    Saturday                    Sunday         
    Yvonne Patrick       AB    Robin Higgins        AB    Lindajean Grillo     AB
    Edith-Mary Smith     AB    Barbara Ray          AB    Marilyne Dombroskie  AB
    Steve Savant         AB    Vicki Jo Harrison    AB    Paul Lahey           AB
    Fate Mays            AB    Toni Jones           AB    Connie Webb          AB
    Chris Unangst        AB    Kim Tomlin           AB    Robby Whyte          AB
    Debbie Lopeman       AB    Connie Webb          SP    Barbara Ray          SP
    Ed Manning           SP    Barbara Kissinger    SP                           

KITTENS                                  YP ES SS FM CU DL EM RH BR VH TJ KT CW BK LG MD PL CW RW BR
MTNest Kiss Me Kate                  MC   1  1  7  5     2 5L  1  1        1 1L 7L  3        1  3 1L
Synergy Macchiato                    OS   2  3  6  1  2  4     2     1  1    3S 3S  2  1            
Karissimakat Spitinimage of Higrove  HI   6  2     2       2L  3  7        4 2L 6L  1  3     2    3L
Balimoor My Little Belle             BA   8  7        5  5 3L  4  4  6     2 5L10L        9     6 2L
Destynys Mam selle of Citizenkat     SX  10 10  8     9    3S        2  7  7 6S 7S        6  7  4 7S
Minghou Delilah of Pengar            OS              10  1           5  2  3 4S 5S       10  4  1   
Berryhille Reeses                    ES         3  4  4  6 1S  6  3     8       2S                1S
Marlcreek Minervois of Regencyrags   RD   7        3       7L  5             7L     6  9     6  8   
Columbleu Greystone                  CX   4     4        8    10          10    1S     8          5S
Wyndchymes Colt 45                   JB   5  6     9     7 4S                  10S     2        7   
Glor-Ee Jezebel                      SI   3        8     3           9       5S           4  8      
Karissimakat Code Red of Rockinashi  HI            7  1              4  4       2L        8       7L
Marvonack Bernadini                  ES                                      2S     4  4  2  3  2   
Kitzn Archeoptyrex                   NF                 10 8L        8  6    6L 9L 10       10    4L
MTNest King Sejong                   MC               8    1L           5       1L    10  3         
Anouchka Juliette                    PS      4  2  6  3   10L                3L                     
Gizana Sex And The Kitty             ES   9     5          7S  9             7S     9               
Potomac Luna                         PB                           9             4S     6  1       4S
Sunfox Mademoiselle of DesertMoon    SO                  9                   9L 3L             10 5L
Radiance Stardust of Glor-Ee         OS                    8S     2                 7             2S
Karissimakat Devil In Disguise       HI                              3                    5     5   
Jungletrax Dripping Swag             BG                                 3  5        5               
Arietta Annina                       SG                           8          9S 9S              9 6S
Elegance Pinkachu                    SR                          10          8S 6S           9    9S
Daisydolls Faith of Willowtreerags   RD      9                          9                 7       8L
Katzapurrin Fire On The Mountain     MC         1                          6 4L                     
Radiance Unforgettable of Hojpoj     OS               6    2S                          5            
Marlcreek Love The Look              RD        10          4L        7      10L                     
Gizana Double Rainbow                ES               7                    8           7            
Drinkwater Ariella                   BG           10              5                               3S
FluffyCharm Aine Bella of OMordha    HI         9          6L  7                                    
Bellesnbeaux Held At Love            SN      8                              10S 8S                8S
Hunterdonhall Elrohir                BG                                      1S              5      
Dachakoshka Ruslan                   SB                                10       4L                9L
Jungletrax Love Jones                BG      5                 8                                    
Anouchka Romeo                       PS                           6                               6L
Bigskykatz Bella of Silversnow       SB                    9L                8L                     
Synergy Suze                         OS                                             8               
Veritasdolls Jack Kerouac            RD                                    9                        
MTNest Seoul Sister                  MC                             10                              
Dollheaven Dreamin Peaches N Cream   RD                                         5L                  
Bengaland Precious Lexus             BG                    5S                                       
Alchemy Simply Irresistible          OS                    6S                                       
Ziadolls Dreamcatcher of Dollinska   RD                                         8L                  
Singsing Bambi Bembenek              SG                    9S                                       
Vanderpawz Kamikaze Kaeto No         JB                                                          10S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     52 50 49 52 52 52 27 53 53 53 53 53 27 27 53 54 54 54 54 24
                     Shorthair Count                       24                26 26                27

CATS                                     YP ES SS FM CU DL EM RH BR VH TJ KT CW BK LG MD PL CW RW BR
Luvpurrs Prince Dakkar               TO   3  1  2  1     1 7S  2  1  3  3  1 5S        5  9  7  7 1S
Javacats Macchiato of Coonalley      MC   1        2     4     4  2  7     2    9L  2  2  2  8  2 1L
Whozz Buster Brown of A'Tien         ES                        1     2     6 6S 1S  4     3  3  3 3S
CowboyCasanova of Speakeasy          BG   8     5  3  1    2S        1  1              1        8   
Gizana Chocolate Chip                ES   9  5 10 10  8  7 3S                       8           4   
Sehnsational Gwenafurr of Synergy    BA               5  5 8L  5     6 10    4L 8L        4         
Aradia Abracadabra of Belisama       AB      3     7  3           6          3S              5  1   
Glor-Ee Rhapsody In Blue             SI   5  8            10S     4        5 4S           7       2S
Minghou Dancerz Legacy of Pengar     SI              10  2     6                3S 10  8        6   
Minusdetails Octavian AgustusMaximus CY                    6L     8  8          1L  7 10        5   
SaraJen True Trixie Cocktail         MC                        3           3 2L 4L           6    3L
Sugarspun Copper of Anouchka         PS   6  6  1  6       4L                   3L                  
Kelimcoons Don Cesar of SaraJen      MC      2  4     2    1L           2                           
Dollheaven Kisses From Above         RD         6  5     8 2L       10          5L                  
Beauchador Paint The Town Red        AS   4  7                    7         10S        3          8S
Willowtreerags Fritz of Clancysrags  RD   7           4                    8                 1 10   
Magnoliastar Blynkyne                SB               7  9 9L  7          10 9L                   7L
Pirateslair I Oughta Be In Pictures  BI      9                          4  9 1L 6L                6L
Kattalyst Wild About Harry           OL                              4  5    7L     1  9            
Anglarnas Viper of Richibell         CR  10     3     6    1S  9                                    
Minghou China Doll of Pengar         OS         8  9     3                   1S             10      
Leafdance Kalonji of Synergy         OL   2 10             3L           7                         2L
Junglemist Tattoo of Bengaland       BG      4           6        9             5S                7S
Backcountry Desperado of Bleujeanne  CX                        8                7S     6        9 6S
Mar'Michel's New Castle/FI           NF                                    7 6L     3        2      
Magicbobs Teddy Bear                 BB            8       5L                5L 2L                5L
Wyndchymes Zack of Lurpurrs          JB                    5S     5             4S        6         
Aradia Fete Accompli of Tinaz        AB                 10 4S        9  6                           
Kitty Charm Scarlett OHara On Ice    PS         7                            8L     6             4L
Majorus Finnegas                     SO                           3          3L              4      
Tailspin Glory                       BG                    6S              4        9               
Fractal Free To Be                   BG               9                      2S              9      
FluffyCharm Sweet Tomas of OMordha   HI         9                               7L     4            
Consuelo Bahijah Fahada of Arietta   EM                              5          6S                5S
Potomac Erie                         PB                                      7S 2S                4S
Anjou Charlemagne Carolingian        BG            4                                      8         
Ragangel Sweet Noel of Sunnybrook    RD                    7L                            10       9L
Backcountry Flambeau of Columbleu    CX                          10     9                           
Rugrunners Aurora                    MK                    8S                8S                  10S
Synergy Gentiana                     OL                                                   1         
Rubyridgerags I Believe In Karma     RD                   10L 10                                    
Jungletrax Poetic Justice            BG                                             5               
Beauchador Celine Dion               AS                                                   5         
Helderberg Cats Sultan               BG                                         8S                9S
Titran Aramis                        NF                                                7            
Vindouro I Walk The Line             BU                                      9S 9S                  
Karissimakat Spirit In The Sky       PS                                 8                           
Donnasdollys Black Nose              SL                                        10L               10L
Mainlysilver Sierra Silvermine       MC                                                           8L
Megarex Frida Kahlo of SingSing      DR                    9S                                       
Maleza Galena of Mistyblue           KT                                        10S                  
Veritasdolls Gaelic Fire             RD                                     10L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     63 63 60 62 62 61 28 72 72 71 69 70 35 33 69 69 66 68 69 34
                     Shorthair Count                       34                38 37                34

ALTERS                                   YP ES SS FM CU DL EM RH BR VH TJ KT CW BK LG MD PL CW RW BR
Sunsoar Sambucca of Bryndiar         ES   1  2  1  1  1  2 1S  1  5  2  2  9 2S 2S  2  1  6  6  3   
Vanir Harry Potter                   NF   2  1  4  8  5  1 5L  3  3        3 2L 4L  8  3  4  2      
Balimoor Blue Angel                  BA   4  3 10  5  4  4 4L  5     8  8  1 5L 8L  3 10  2     7   
Karissimakat Alistair Appleton       PS   6  8        3    2L  4     5  3  2 6L 5L  5  2 10  1  1 2L
Pirateslair Heave Ho of Dreako       BI               7  5 3L     2  3  1  5 1L 3L  4  5        2   
Kelloggs Sweet Emotion               AS   3  4  3  4       4S     4  7  6  7              3 10  4   
Sazikatz Mickey Fin of Mixologies    TO      6  5  3     3 3S  6        4  8        7  6     9  6   
Pentaclecats Dexter Morgan           AB   8     6     9        8  8  1  9    1S 4S           3    1S
Eeyaa Pacesetter                     TG   5        2 10           1  6    10 3S 3S     9        5   
Beauchador Mont St Michel            AS   9  9  8 10  2  7     2                    6  8       10   
Bigrivercoon Haro                    MC   7  5  7       10        9                       9     8 4L
Cooncreole Simba                     SB                  6 6L  7             3L    10     7  4      
Oriamore Bugatti                     OS                              4  5       1S  1        5    5S
Mainevu Beck                         MC                        9        7  6 4L        4     7      
Facehuggers Thunderous Thor          DR         2     8    2S 10                       7  8         
Bejuled World According to Schmoo    BG  10                      10 10 10       5S                3S
Bareassets Astroboy                  SX                  8                   5S           5  8      
Magnoliastar Wynkyne                 SB            7  6                         6L                3L
Pirateslair Dressed To Impress       BB     10  9        9                      1L                  
Clowtown's Dropkick Murphy/CF        BA            6              6                               1L
Kokopellies Tank                     BB                           7                       1       6L
Bellapalazzo Destiny                 RD                    1L              4                        
Sunnybrook Tiki Tiki                 RD                                      7L 7L                5L
Elegance Tabitha Belle               SL            9                            2L                  
Coraldancer Ciociosan of Arietta     SG                    5S                       9               
Cozycountry My Sweet Snickerdoodles  BG      7                                                      
Rainingrexes Luminara                DR                                                           2S
Brightstone Celestial Lunar Amars    RD                              9                              
Radzacats Fenway of Hisstoricats     HI                                                         9   
Pirateslair Follow The North Star    BH                                                           4S
Vanderpawz Chibi Chan                JB                                      4S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     36 37 36 37 35 37 21 40 39 40 39 40 22 23 40 40 38 38 38 21
                     Shorthair Count                       16                17 17                17

Stellaa                                   1  1  1  1  1  1 3S  4  9  1  2  9 2S 2S  3  6  1  1  1 4S
Soffiee                                   6  3  3  6  2  4 2S  1  8  4  1  2 4S 5S  1  1  2  2  3 1S
Jolly Roger of PiratesLair                2  2  9  2  3  2 2L  2  2  2  3  1 2L 1L  6  5  4  5  4 2L
Eva Gabor                                 4  7  5  3  4  5 3L  5  5  3  4  5 1L 3L  2  4  6  6  6 3L
Eydie Gorme                               3  9  8  4  6  3 1L  8  1  5  7  3 3L 2L  7  2  7  4  2 1L
Black Pearl of Rugrunners                 7 10  4  8     8 1S  6  3  6  8  4 9S 7S     7  5  8  5 2S
Remy of Mysticpurrz                          5  2  5  5 10 4S  9  6  7  9  8 7S 9S  5  3  3     7 8S
Trixie Purr Box of Brightstone           10  6  6     7    9S  7  7 10  6  6 1S 3S  4  8     3    3S
Sir Benjamin                              5     7  7  8  6 7S 10  4  9  5    5S 1S 10  9  9 10    6S
Fate Would Have It                           8     9 10  7 8S  3 10    10 10 6S 4S  9    10     8 5S
Fantaza                                   9  4    10     9 6S                8S 8S  8 10  8  9    7S
Sareena Sun Song of Brightstone           8    10     9    5S        8     7 3S 6S           7    9S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     12 12 12 12 10 12  3 12 12 12 12 12  3  3 12 12 12 12  8  3
                     Shorthair Count                        9                 9  9                 9

Cir Cadee Ann of Mysticpurrz                 2  4  1  1  3 1S  2  5  2  1  1 1S 2S  2  1     3  2 3S
Delaney                                   3  4  1  2  3  2 3L  1  1  1     2 2L 1L  3     5     1 1L
Jamison                                   2     3     2  1 1L  5     4  2    1L 2L  1  3  4  1      
Splatatoon                                4  5  2  3  4  4 2S  4     3  5                 6  2      
Frankie                                   1  3  5          2L           3  3 4L 5L     2        3   
Sugar N Spice of Chrischat                                     3  2     4  4 4S     5  4     4  5   
Work Release of Dreako                       1     5     5 4L              5 3L 4L     5     5    5L
Hemingway of Mistyblue                    5                4S                2S 5S  4     1       5S
Cocoa Marbles of Marbleglen                        4              3                               2L
Red Rocket Express                                    5    3S                   3S                1S
Skippy                                                                       5S 1S     6          4S
Barks Peter                                                          5                    3       2S
Winters Dream Snowflake                                           4          5L 3L                  
Tom Paris                                                                                 2       3L
Daddys Lil Cuddlebug of Marbleglen                         5S                3S                 6   
Bad Bad Leroy Brown                                                                             4   
Im Not A Tonkabob of Luvpurrs                                                                6      
Belle Aimee                                                                                       4L
Musia                                                      5L                                       
Miki Ando                                                                       4S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     14 14 14 14 14 14  9 19 19 16 20 20 10 10 20 21 21 21 21 10
                     Shorthair Count                        5                 8  8                 8

AListSvannahs Jas Girl               SV   1  1  1  1  1 1S 1S                  
AListSavannahs Thunder               SV                        1  1  1  1  1 1S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      2  2  2  2  2        1  1  1  1  1   
                     Shorthair Count                     2  2                 1
This report was prepared by Kathy Keeley (kmkeeley@comcast.net).
Christmas City Cat Club Jersey State Feline Fanciers