Unofficial Show Reports - 1995-1996 Show Season
These show reports are not an official publication of the International Cat Association. The show results in this archive are compiled from marked catalogs that have not been verified by the TICA Executive Office and as such may not be construed as official results. Official scoring is done in the TICA Executive Office, independently of these reports.
If you see an error in a report, please contact the reporter whose name and e-mail address appear at the bottom of that report. It is not necessary to contact the TICA Executive Office, since the report does not affect the official scoring and the Executive Office cannot correct the report.
- Keestone Katz, Wilmington, DE, October 28-29, 1995
- NovaCats, Alexandria, VA, January 13-14, 1996
- Christmas City Cat Club, Allentown, PA, February 10-11, 1996
- Country Cats, Ludwig's Corner, PA, March 16-17, 1996
- Penn Jersey Cat Club, Secaucus, NJ, March 22-24, 1996
- Potomac Area Cat Enthusiasts, Baltimore, MD, April 20-21, 1996
- Tickiecats, King of Prussia, PA, April 27-28, 1996