2020 Regional Award Sponsorships

To honor our Cats and Regional Winners, you are invited to sponsor our regional awards or to make a donation to the Regional Fund.

If you would like to be a sponsor, please make check payable toMid Atlantic Region and mail to

Lisa Dickie
8523 Black Star Cir
Columbia, MD  21045

Or send PayPal payments to midatlanticpaypal@gmail.com.


Sponsorship information must be received by August 31, 2020.

All sponsorships and donations will be recognized in the Awards Booklet.

Cats in red and lined through or cats that are missing are sponsored. Thanks to all of our sponsors for their generosity!

BEST in Each Class - $40

RB $

Cats 2-25 - $25

3rd Best Cat of the Year Dark Diamond's Reuben of Rivabell; Ow:  Courtney Bell & Irina Samuolene ES $
18th Best Cat of the Year Cieloch Take A Chance; Ow:  Lin Mao & Min Zhang SB $
20th Best Cat of the Year Shiningdolls X Babayaga X Rgplygrnd; Ow:  Jessica Magdalena & Stanley Simulya RD $

Top LH Cats - $25

11th Best Longhair Cat of the Year Paradiselynx Romulus of Doktari; Ow:  Jane Handelsman and Shari Richards PBL $
12th Best Longhair Cat of the Year Sassietat Aloysius of Aslanspaw; Ow:  Donna H Ensor MC $
15th Best Longhair Cat of the Year

Igora Zinovija of Sibaris; Ow:  Arina Kozyr & Alexander Kolesnikov


17th Best Longhair Cat of the Year

Migoto's Egil; Ow:  Marina Bleimaier Pushkareva


18th Best Longhair Cat of the Year

McJax Lil'bo Peep; Ow:  Joe McIntyre


22nd Best Longhair Cat of the Year

Jerseyragdol Al Capone; Ow:  Yaryna Tokar


24th Best Longhair Cat of the Year

Kattalyst Absinthe Minded; Ow:  Julie & Roy Keyer



Top SH Cats - $25

Best of Breed Cats - $20
Best Cornish Rex of the Year Kaylee's Spartacus; Ow:  Kathy Pritchard $
Best Japanese Bobtail of the Year Wyndchymes Danica Patrick; Ow:  Karen Bishop, Jill Archibald & Lynn Search $
Best LaPerm of the Year Catcurls BCK Cinder Ella of PACurls; Ow:  Melanie Cassar $
Best Thai of the Year (TIE) Nancyclaws Allycats of Sandypoints; Ow:  Sandra Engle $
Best Thai of the Year (TIE) Sandypoints Rosette ; Ow:  Sandra Engle $

Kittens 2-25 - $25

6th Best Kitten of the Year Rivabell Rejoice; Ow:  Courtney Bell ES $
24th Best Kitten of the Year Pocketcharm I See You Prada Me; Ow:  Renae & Micah Silver SR $
25th Best Kitten of the Year Cieloch Rhapsody In Blu of Rivabell; Ow:  Courtney Bell SB $
Best of Breed Kittens - $20
Best Bombay Kitten of the Year Toriland Ashton Ishkabibble; Ow:  Sharon Hopkins $
Best Havana Kitten of the Year Acapella Emily Louise Johnson; Ow:  Arthur and Phylis Johnson $
Best Lykoi Kitten of the Year Gobsgobblins Kalan of Atreyukatz; Ow:  Melissa Ryan $
Best Minuet Longhair Kitten of the Year Purrdelis Teety Charity of Agathos; Ow:  Barbara Graden $
Best Peterbald Kitten of the Year Cocos Darth Vader; Ow:  Teri L Witherspoon $
Best Scottish Straight Longhair Kitten of the Year Buyanoff Iskorka Iz Sibiri; Ow:  Victoria Stepan $

Alters 2-25 - $25

10th Best Alter of the Year Catbery Tail Mischeif Maker; Ow:  Dan & Theresa Kerns HI $
18th Best Alter of the Year Beauchador Foxy of Rivabell; Ow:  Courtney Bell AW $
Best of Breed Alters - $20
Best Bombay Alter of the Year Toriland Little Bear; Ow:  Jacqueline Jansky $
Best British Shorthair Alter of the Year Queen Ashley Blu; Ow:  Deborah Huber $
Best Cornish Rex Alter of the Year Kaylee's Spirit; Ow:  Kathy Pritchard $
Best Exotic Shorthair Alter of the Year Perzot Ben Rothlesberger; Ow:  Deb Huber, D & S Peet, S Sieffert $
Best LaPerm Alter of the Year Catcurls BC Lil Redfrekls; Ow:  Melanie Cassar $
Best Minuet Longhair Alter of the Year Resqme Mystic Krewe of Femme Fat; Ow:  Barbara Graden $
Best Persian Alter of the Year McJax Born To B Cute; Ow:  Theresa Vogel $

Household Pet Kittens 2-7 - $25

7th Best Household Pet Kitten of the Year Catasaurus Rex; Ow:  Sylvia Felitsky $

Household Pets 2-11 - $25

8th Best Household Pet of the Year Lily Babydoll; Ow:  Julie Ball $
--> -->

Junior Exhibitor Awards - All Sponsored! Thank You!

(Use Ctrl-click to select more than one JE.)

Lifetime Achievement, Oustanding Sires & Dams - $35

(Use Ctrl-click to select more than one.)


Other Sponsorships

Diamond Sponsorship- $500

Platinum Sponsorship- $250 $

Gold Sponsorship- $150


Total - THANK YOU!!


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