Baccarat Cat Club, Galloway Township, NJ, March 21-22, 1998

         Saturday                         Sunday
    Larry Paul (AB)                  Marilyne Gregg (AB)
    Steve Savant (AB)                Frances Yow (AB)
    Aline Noel (AB)                  Philippe Noel (AB)
    Barbara Ray (AB)                 Lynne Sherer (AB)
    Mark Coleman (SP)                Beth Hicks (AB)
    Paul Lahey (SP)                  Ellen Crockett (SP)

KITTENS                                  LP SS AN BR MC PL MG FY PN LS BH EC
Purrsession Fancy Face               PS   9  1  6  6 6L 1L  1  8  4  1  6 2L
Teklanika Timothy                    NF   3  4  3  3 2L     3  1  1  5  7 3L
Minusdetails X's and O's             CY   2  3  2  1 4L 2L  4  4     4  1 6L
Rinkurl All That                     SX      2  1    1S 4S  5     2  2  9 1S
Pease's Black Jack                   PS   7  7  4    1L 9L  6  2  5       4L
Uptown's Luke Skywalker              MC   1     8  2 9L     2     6       1L
Peaceful Paws Sleepurr of Hi-Me      HI      9  9       6L 10  5  7     4 8L
Millworrd's Roselit                  BG        10  4 5S 2S  8    10       4S
Willowplace Domperion of SirBentley  MC              5L 5L     7     7  2   
Willowplace Thor of Croton           MC   5  8       3L           9       9L
Berryhille's Sour Cherri Pye         ES              3S 1S        8    10 3S
Forestrun Twister                    BG              4S 5S     9     6    2S
Belgatto's Katsura of Woodlyn        PS   8  6       8L 8L               10L
Jumanji Jokers Wild                  BG         7                 3 10      
Chinquapin Star Man                  MC         5           9 10            
Pease's Wild Thing                   PS     10     7    3L                  
C.P. Rags Imaginary Lover            RD              7L        6          7L
Coonyham Negri Modelo of SaraJen     MC                              3  5   
MtKittery Waterville                 MC   6        5                        
SaraJen Duggans Dew                  MC      5                       8      
Provinmountain Kamikaze              BG   4             3S                  
C.P. Rags Hot Legs of Classicalrags  RD                 7L  7               
Aluren Garnet                        BG            8                      5S
Peaceful Paws Cotton Gin of Hi-Me    HI  10         10L                     
Windstorm Dream Quest                BG                                 3   
Bengaland's Rocky Picasso            BG                        3            
Broadsway Blackstone                 MC                                 8   
Ter-Ben's Cupid of Boraines          PS                              9      
Chrischat's Silver Magic             PS            9                        
Magikatz Duncan Maclain              MC                 4L                  
Bengaland's Pantera Divinci          BG              2S                     
Dorwill Fiona of CelticPride         MC           10                        
Uptown's Yoda Jedi Master            MC                                   5L
SaraJen Isle of Jura                 MC                10L                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     47 47 46 45 36 36 46 46 46 46 46 36
                     Shorthair Count                 10  9                10

CATS                                     LP SS AN BR MC PL MG FY PN LS BH EC
Whozz Simply Irresistible            PS   1  3  4  1 3L 1L  1  1  2  1  1 1L
Anawratha's Nova                     BO   4  2  2  6 1S 1S  3     3 10    1S
Minusdetails Walker Texas Ranger     CY   6     6  3 1L 2L  7  2     5  2 3L
Toytown's High Flight of Blueyonder  TO   2  8  3    9S 8S  6  9  5       3S
Sol-mer Tyler Moore                  AS   3     1  7        2  4  1       2S
Yggdrasil Raewald Sutton Hoo         NF     10 10  9 6L 6L  5  6  7       5L
Croton's Tamra                       MC   5  4  9  2       10 10  6         
Britches Derby of MtKittery          MC   9  7       2L 3L     3     6  6   
Gizana's Norma Jean                  ES      6  5       4S        4  3  9   
Hunterdonhall Tarzan                 BG   8  5     5        4     8         
Kitnhuyse Moses of Kittypen          SX      9  8    2S10S       10       8S
Ironhill Endless Love 2X             AB         7    4S 7S        9       5S
Coonpulsive's Big Bend               MC                     8        8  3 4L
KittyCharm Twizzler on Ice           PS      1                       4  7   
Shaynacats Caesar's Ghost            PS            4           8     2      
Silvering Hts Magic in the Mirror    ES              6S 2S              5 6S
Blueyonder's Red Baron               AS  10          7S 6S     7            
Gogees Jafar of Windstorm            BG              3S              7  4   
Uniquely Pandora                     BG                 3S           9  8   
Chatandolls Poseidon of Ragstars     RD              4L 4L     5            
Sing-Sing Boni Baru of Shiverden     SG   7                               4S
Aluren Anaconda                      BG            8                   10   
Troika Zahar Ahlmazovich             SB              7L                   2L
Bridlewood Sundancer of Speakeasy    BG              5S                   7S
Classicalcats Brunnhilde             SX                     9               
Mainette's Le Femme Nikita           MC           10                        
Medoz Power Play of Bengaland        BG                 5S                  
SaraJen Elijah Craig                 MC              5L                     
Pease's Blaze                        PS                 5L                  
Uniquely Gambling Man                BG              8S                     
B-Jays Now Hear This                 OS                 9S                  
B-Jays Magical Mystery Tour          OS                                   9S
Uniquely Marco Polo                  BG                                  10S
Rah Maumeo                           EM             10S                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     50 50 49 50 22 21 47 47 47 47 47 20
                     Shorthair Count                 26 27                27

ALTERS                                   LP SS AN BR MC PL MG FY PN LS BH EC
Gizana's Oliver                      ES   2  9  2  4 4S 1S  1 10  2  5  6 2S
Minusdetails One More Coors Lite     CY   1  2  3  1    1L  8  2     3  1 1L
Apophis Nordstrom of Classicalcats   SX   5  1  1  3 1S 2S  5  1  1       1S
Teklanika Turbocat                   NF   6  3  4    2L 3L  3  6  4  2    3L
Playwickey's Pot Luck                PS   8  4  7  2 5L 2L     8  3  9    4L
MtKittery Machias                    MC      5  8  6 1L    10  4     1  5 2L
Toytown Klementine Kat               TO   9     5  9 3S 4S     3  5     7 4S
Sayang Chinito of Ironhill           SG  10  6 10           4  5  7 10  9   
Asher Takashimaya II of Broadsway    JB              5S     9  9  9  6  2 5S
MtKittery Dexter of MtNest           MC              4L           6  4  3 5L
Innisfree Pyramid Cindaron Cincento  EM      8    10    5S  2           8   
Berryhille's Red Zinger              ES                 3S  7     8    10 3S
Ginfree Red Hot Chilli Pepper        AS   7                    7     8  4   
Megadots All That Jazz               OC         6           6    10         
Vereinschaft Jingle All the Way      PS   4        5                        
Coonyham Lone Ranger of Windwalker   MC   3 10                              
Sartoris Dakota Blue of Osiris       AS      7     7                        
C.P. Rags' Free Bird                 RD              3L 4L                  
Troika Nikolai Ahlmazovich           SB         9       5L                  
MtKittery Rockport of MtNest         MC                              7      
Hometown Tazmanian Devil             AS              2S                     
Broadsway Franklin                   MC            8                        
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     29 29 29 29 14 14 27 27 27 27 27 14
                     Shorthair Count                 14 14                13

HOUSEHOLD PETS                           LP SS AN BR MC PL MG FY PN LS BH EC
Tea Key                                   3  7  2  3 5S     2     1  6  6 3S
Tiffany                                   2  2  7    1L 2L  3           1 5L
Job                                          5  4  4 3S 3S           1  3 2S
Angel                                        6     6 5L 5L     2  3  2  4   
Donald From Duck                          5  4  1    2S     4  5          1S
Mikee of Mountaincats                     1        1        5  1        2 2L
Patti of Ragstars                            3       4S 5S     3  2       4S
Freida Eek                                   1       1S 1S     4  4         
Eye Ronic Ghost Mst                       4     3    2L              3    1L
Taliesin                                  6                          5  5 5S
Just Jody                                          7 4L 1L        5         
Domino                                          5  5 3L                     
Hortense                                                4L           4    3L
Dust Bunnie                                        2    3L                  
Molly                                              8    2S                  
Lilly                                           6                         4L
Thomas                                                      1               
Pepe Le Pew                                             4S                  
             Allbreed/Longhair Count     21 22 22 23 10  9 20 20 20 21 21 10
                     Shorthair Count                 12 12                10

Harvey                                    2  3  4  4 1S 3S  3  4  5  3  4 3S
R Ultimate Doom                           1  2  2  2 1L 3L  1  3        1 1L
Helen Wheels                              4  4  3  5 4S 1S  5  5  3       1S
Wild Blue Yonder                          3        1 2S 4S  4  2     1  5 2S
Tiffany                                   5  5     3 2L 2L           2  2 2L
Tristan Himself                                 1    3S 2S  2     1  4      
Hestor                                               5S 5S        2  5  3 4S
Peach Melba Trifle                                   3L 1L     1  4       3L
Sinuhe                                       1  5                         5S
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      9  9  9  9  3  3  9  9  9  9  9  3
                     Shorthair Count                  6  6                 6

Rockyfalls Smokey Toes Lewis         PB   1  1  1  1 1S     1  1  1  1  1 1S
Absarokii Toulouse Lowtrack of Bjay  MK   3  2  2  3 2S 1S  2  3  2  2  3 2S
Boris Nickolayevich of Troika        SB                 1L  3  2  3  3  2 1L
Pennrock Smudge                      MK   4  4  3  2 3S 2S                  
Dollchateau Hot Shot of NYFD         RD   2  3  4  4 1L                     
             Allbreed/Longhair Count      4  4  4  4  1  1  3  3  3  3  3  1
                     Shorthair Count                  3  2                 2
This report was prepared by Richard J Ketz (AlanCRichK@compuserve.com).
Baccarat Cat Club Penn-Jersey Cat Club